Thursday, February 24, 2011

God knows I've Got To Live Mine

Haven't written anything on this for a while.

I've been switching between books a lot lately. My "primary" book has been "The Once and Future King" by T.H. White. It's really enjoyable, and I like that I'm finally reading a book in the Arthurian Legend. I've only got through the first three books; my favorite so far has been the third, "The Ill-Made Knight." The one where Lancelot shows up and screws Guenevere. In between reading that I've taken to brushing up on Lovecraft. I just finished his novella "At the Mountains of Madness" which is really engrossing. "The Dunwich Horror" is still my favorite Lovecraft story. Been making my way through two comic series as well: "Buffy Season Eight" and "Chrono Crusade." The former is a continuation of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" T.V. show, and the latter is a manga. Both are pretty enjoyable, although the Buffy comic is a tad disappointing.

After a break in working, I've taken up to running a CNC again. Still working for Dad, but I have the possibility to be earning a real paycheck soon. Interesting...

Video games! The new Pokemon games come out soon, and I'm beyond excited. Introducing more new Pokemon than any other generation? I'm all about that; I already preordered my copy of White. Started playing Chrono Trigger, and I'm really enjoying it. I love NES-SNES era RPGs.

I'm never any good at concluding shit, so I'll just say good-bye.

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