Monday, April 12, 2010


Every time I look at a book I haven't read I get a little weirded out. To be confronted with such an outrageous amount of knowledge I have not acquired fills me with unslaking determination. Unfortunately what usually happens is I will announce a war on literature and read all I can; this is perfect until I get burnt out. I can only be a reading machine for so long before I start to need some extra stimuli. I'll cut back on reading, but eventually the cycle will begin.
Today campus police showed up at my door at 9:00 in the morning. We were all asleep so he fucking keyed into my apartment. There was beer in our recycling. We're all kind of fucked. Everyone in the apartment is going to have to deal with school bullshit now.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Today was a really excellent day!
I woke up at 9:30 to a beautiful day; and bummed around for a little bit, and leisurely did homework. I went to class and actively participated, also got to pay my housing deposit! In my backpacking class I went on a hike through some trails I'd never been to before, and after went to get ice-cream with Becca. At the dorms I rolled a blunt for the first time, and it went really well; to smoke it friendships and I went back to the hiking spot. Smoking proceeded. Got lost on the way back, got food, and at the dorms watched "The Shining." Now here I am listening to the Misfits. I had a really awesome day.
Whenever it appears that some higher power decided to perfectly throw together the events of my day, at the end I like to take a step back and appreciate. Elite Beat Agents is calling...